song comment for The Erik Jurado Experience

My favorite song!!! - Vanessa 04/19/11

cool jam,bro! - george 01/29/11

cool song to bring us back to reality - lots of great ideas to help cope with the overwhelming buzzzzzz of current culture - I listeneed while reading the words, so the poetry was clear. Jimi started the conversation - Erik has joined the others who continue to expand it. Nice. - laura 01/27/11

love the end of the song... - Gus Avila 01/27/11

WOW those are great lyrics, i mean REALLY GREAT!!! they make a lot of sense to me, i can relate to them plus they sound good. it all fits together very well and yeah im really liking this song! it sounds good and has a meaningful message!!! - Vanessa 01/25/11

im not sure if it is just my computer or something but i here a squeaky sound over the music. - alicia maldonado 01/25/11

Cool sound! pretty trippy, awesome guitar and the different rhythms fit good together. I really like it... I think this is my new favorite!!! - Vanessa 01/25/11

One of his better efforts . But still no Jimmy Hendrix Experiance . - bULGARIANbEAT 01/24/11

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